About Me

Hi! I’m Kes.

I am a bookworm, book hoarder, and book devourer. Yes, we eat books here.

I am Canadian, non-binary, and queer (I’m gay married and everything). I might just be three cats in a trenchcoat.

Thanks to my degree in communications and publishing I am highly critical of all of the media I consume. So here I am, trying to learn to love books again, while still being critical about the messages they perpetuate (I am looking at you, sexual racism).

I mostly read books with queer protagonists in the adult speculative fiction genres, but sometimes I don’t. All reviews of queer books are clearly marked as such!

I post reviews every Tuesday and I hope to start posting other book and culture related posts every Friday. Let’s see how that goes.

I want to see a publishing industry that is as diverse our world and I’m enjoying seeing those changes as they come into the industry. It’s nice to see LGBTQ+ and POC protagonists in my favourite genres from the Big Five. I’m hoping to see more diversity and much more intersectionality in the representations we have on the shelves.

I also write occasional guest reviews over at the Lesbrary!